- Vast Weekly
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- Issue 14
Issue 14
Hi and welcome back to Vast Weekly.
We get it. You're already juggling your Saturday to-do list while slinging Eggos at the kids and darning your boss to heck as he drops "just while I'm thinking of it" updates into Slack. It's too late. We missed the blissful Saturday Relaxation Window. Ok, ok, just this once. We are declaring the Week of Links Jubilee. What's that you ask? It's just like the biblical Year of Jubilee, except you still owe on your student loans (sorry). No distractions today. No links, no demands to PLEASE listen to ALL THE BEST PODCASTS IN CHRISTIAN HISTORY.
I'm just gonna write a couple paragraphs about one of my favorites in our insanely stacked roster. It's like a reintroduction to an old acquaintance, like maybe you sort of forgot their name and were hoping they didn't notice. No gimmicks, just something heartfelt. You'll be out of here in 3 minutes tops. The hardware store can wait.
Happy Saturday. Take it easy.
Kings and Priests
Let's face it. Ministry in the 21st century is hard. You know what else is hard? Business. Wow, so original. But one of our original flagship shows is doing more than rehash the same Twitter threads and LinkedIn carousels passed around by grifters and influencers. (They usually dunk on those, actually).
Michael Whittle and Dean Sweetman bring actual, you know, experience to the table. They live in the overlapping world where Christians struggle to honor God in the everyday. They have a vision for God's Church empowered to spread the Gospel and accrue wealth in ways that honor God and...you know, succeed. They believe you can do both at once. What if the next generation of believers had the skills and wisdom to use the world's tools in God's way? If that gets your imagination going, get this in your ears.
Storytime. The other day I was driving around town with my seven-year-old daughter. She perked up when I put on the show (surprising, as usually podcasts get a long "Daaaaaaaaad" groan) and we listened together about go-to-market strategies and bivocational ministry and side hustles. I expected her to be bored to (literal) tears. Instead, she asks to listen to "Kings" every time we get in the car now. You guys know how hugely blessed we are to be living in a pioneering period in Church history where this kind of wisdom is freely available, right? I'm proud to think about what sort of trouble my kids are going to get into for the Kingdom, armed with this stuff. They're not paying me to say this.
Ok, they kind of are.
If you need a toolbox to conquer the domain that God has placed in front of you, if you want to raise a generation of kings and queens, priests and priestesses who can take the fight back to the Enemy on his turf...can't think of a better place for you to start. I can't wait to see what we build.
Ok, like just one small link. Saturday's a good time to dream, plan, and exercise a little holy imagination. Enjoy your break. Lots left to do!