Issue 6

Hi and welcome back to Vast Weekly.

We interrupt our standard brand of content to bring you something more instep with the times. It seems that a move of God has occurred on the campus of Asbury University and Christians are joyfully uniting in their thankfulness, publicly coming together in support of...

Wait folks, I'm just getting handed this special bulletin now. It looks like...actually none of that is happening.

Nope, just more chaos as everyone piles on with their hottest of takes. Not to be outdone, we here at Vast Global Headquarters are innovating a brand new media strategy. We are just going to try and give a calm and biblical take on this. A minimum of dunks are involved. You might actually be edified and encouraged.

May I remind you: the best audio content in Christendom.

Dr. David and Jake dig deep into the concept of revival, from the history to the theology. That's why we call it Good Theology, folks. You'll need this one as a break from Theobro Twitter.

What's a revival? They can be defined as the spontaneous movement of God, where the Holy Spirit produces His fruit among His people. It's supernatural, beyond the everyday, and really cool. They are sudden, unplanned, and often unusual in terms of the manifestations the Spirit brings. Yeah, we expect to see these things. Heresy hunters and professional bummers need not listen further 😎

  • Revival stories (Toronto Blessing, etc.)'

  • Characteristics of revival

  • When even the Presbyterians get filled

  • What about the really crazy stuff?

  • Is there a recipe for revival?

  • The Jesus Movement

All joking aside, we hope that you can find something encouraging and exciting in this episode no matter your theological persuasion or background. God moving on the hearts of His people. You love to see it.

The Silly Graham gang also had some comments on Asbury. Among...other things. Check it out, I guess. You know, if you want to.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your Saturday. We'll be back next week with even more of the best podcasts Christianity has to offer.